Events & News

July 4, 2024 – SARIL and ReMuNet joint webinar on strategies and tools for sustainable and resilient intermodal transport networks

As part of its commitment to promoting resilient transport networks, the SARIL project hosted a webinar on 4 June 2024 on strategies and tools for sustainable and resilient intermodal transport networks. Organized by ALICE, the event was a joint effort with the ReMuNet project, highlighting the shared vision of creating a robust and adaptive supply chain in the face of globalisation and unforeseen disruptions.

The webinar featured a series of expert presentations, each highlighting innovative projects and technologies designed to improve the efficiency and accessibility of multimodal and intermodal transport networks. The agenda consisted of the following point:

  • Welcome and introduction – Pablo Segura from ALICE set the scene, emphasising the importance of understanding and mastering the multimodal transport ecosystem to minimise disruptions.
  • ReMuNet project insights – John von Stamm from FIR at RWTH Aachen University gave an overview of the ReMuNet project highlighting the project’s initial findings and future steps, focusing on creating a common understanding of disruptive events and developing a collaborative platform to facilitate information exchange between stakeholders.
  • Intermodal services and optimisation – Florian Krietsch from PTV Group discussed tools for routing and network optimisation, enabling modal shift in different scenarios.
  • Transparency and flexibility in intermodal transport – Lars Deiterding from HACON shared insights on how to make intermodal transport as transparent and flexible as modern multimodal passenger travel.
  • Strategies for managing intermodal networks – Victor Becerra from DASSAULT SYSTEMES presented lessons learned and strategies for optimising intermodal transport networks.
  • SARIL methodology – Corinna Köpke from Fraunhofer EMI introduced the SARIL methodology, which focuses on sustainability and resilience for infrastructure and logistics networks.

The joint efforts of SARIL and ReMuNet underscore the critical role of cooperation in promoting sustainable and resilient transport networks. By bringing together expertise and resources, these projects aim to create a more efficient and adaptive supply chain that can withstand the challenges of globalisation and unforeseen disruptions. The following key takeaways could be drawn from the webinar:

  • Understanding the ecosystem – Both SARIL and ReMuNet emphasise the importance of a comprehensive understanding of the multimodal transport ecosystem. This includes recognising the impact of disruptive events and developing strategies to mitigate these impacts.
  • Collaboration and data sharing – The need for improved collaboration and data sharing between stakeholders was a recurring theme. ReMuNet’s collaborative platform and SARIL’s disruption information interface are key to facilitating this exchange.
  • Innovative tools and technologies – The webinar showcased various tools and technologies designed to optimise routing, increase transparency, and improve the overall efficiency of intermodal transport networks.
  • Sustainability and resilience – Both projects are committed to promoting sustainability and resilience in transport networks. This includes developing green business models, improving regulatory frameworks and using advanced analytical and forecasting tools.

June 3, 2024 – First SARIL workshop in Milan, Italy

The first scenario workshop of SARIL took place in Milan, Italy. Based on the findings from SARIL’s survey, project members discussed with representative stakeholders the current practices and challenges of the logistics sector. Stakeholders suggested that the mitigation of disruption impacts could be enhanced by improved communication and data sharing, that the establishment of backup solutions in case data is unavailable is relevant and that the promotion of advantageous policies as well as investment in training is of high importance.

May 7 and 8, 2024 – General Assembly in Norway

Organized by Marlo, the second in-person meeting of SARIL took place on Oscarsborg island near Oslo, Norway. All partner organisations  were present to shape the work to be done in the project.

First, the results of the surveys were presented by Sintef and discussed before the tool developers gave an update on the recent progress. This was followed by an encompassing assessment of the optimal focuses of the different tools regarding the aims of the project and the individually addressed logistics stakeholders. At the second day, the consortium did a test run of the planned workshop implementation to identify possible caveats. This was followed by the discussion of administrative topics and a resume of the project work done so far. The meeting concluded with a guided tour of the historically important island.

April 2024 – SARIL at TRA2024 in Dublin

This April, the Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2024 unfolded in Dublin, Ireland, bringing together over 4,000 participants from 50 countries to explore and advance sustainable and inclusive mobility. As a cornerstone event in the European transport calendar, TRA2024 provided a platform for discussions on the future of transport and mobility.

At TRA2024, the SARIL project showcased its innovative approaches and findings at a joint stand with its sister project, ReMuNet, within the ALICE Logistic Innovation Village. This strategic placement provided a great opportunity for both projects to highlight their contributions to sustainability and resilience in freight transport. The ALICE Logistic Innovation Village, a hub for cutting-edge projects, was buzzing with activity, facilitating exchanges that are crucial for the development and deployment of new technologies and methodologies.

Thanks to the joint stand, SARIL and ReMuNet projects were able to engage in the intensive networking and discussions, focusing on future collaborations that could further enhance the resilience and sustainability of multimodal freight networks. These discussions highlighted the complementary nature of the two projects, with SARIL focusing on the environmental impact and system robustness, and ReMuNet enhancing real-time responses to disruptions in transport corridors.

As we move forward, the insights gained from TRA2024 will undoubtedly play a crucial role in guiding the SARIL project’s strategies and implementations, ensuring a greener, more robust transport infrastructure for the future.

SARIL members at the TRA.

March 13 and 14, 2024 – Visit of Fraunhofer at Gebrüder Weiss GmbH

A delegation of Fraunhofer researchers visited the facilities of Gebrüder Weiss GmbH (GW) in Lauterach, Austria from Mach 13 to 14, 2024.  The exchange with several logistics experts at GW has helped to provide a better understanding of disruption handling and supports the tool development in SARIL. The branch manager of GW Vorarlberg, Stefan Oberhauser, presented their logistics processes and GWs attempts towards a sustainable transport infrastructure. 

The branch manager of GW Vorarlberg, Stefan Oberhauser (right), presents the logistics processes to a delegation of Fraunhofer researchers.
The aim of the visit was to get insights into the daily business of a leading logistics provider to tailor the project results towards end-user needs.

February 15, 2024 – Survey addressing  researchers is out now

Following the Stakeholder Survey (see the post below), SARIL is currently conducting a survey for fellow researchers in the fields of transport, resilience and sustainability to get their views on disruptions and the importance of the different attributes of resilience.  

We will highly appreciate if you could take 10 minutes to answer the following survey Forwarding this email to relevant people in your organisation is also most welcome.

January 12, 2024 – Stakeholder Survey of SARIL and ReMuNet is out now

Recent events, including floods, snowstorms, wildfires, pandemic restrictions, wars, and cyberattacks, have affected European infrastructure and transport networks. Given the growing influence of climate change and unforeseen global incidents, are you worried about the potential impact on your organisation? Have you encountered such disruptions in your daily operations, or do you believe your business is susceptible to such disruptions? How do you deal with disruptions and which technologies support you to exchange information with your partners and clients? We would like to know more about your thoughts and experiences, as these can provide invaluable results for our research. Therefore, we invite you to answer our questionnaire survey of the EU-projects ‘Sustainability And Resilience for Infrastructure and Logistics networks’ (SARIL) and ‘Resilient Multimodal freight transport Network’ (ReMuNet).

Follow this link to answer the survey or forward this email to a relevant person in your organisation.

January 11, 2024 – ALICE webinar with SARIL and ReMuNet

ALICE announces a webinar for January 11, 2024. In this webinar, Paola Chiarini will give insights into the perspective of the European Commission and the renowned expert Prof. Alan McKinnon will talk on outlook and perspectives of resilient and green freight transport. The projects SARIL and ReMuNet will outline their strategies and demonstrate how they intend to contribute towards addressing their challenges.

For more information and registration see:

October 24 and 25, 2023 – General Assembly Meeting in Freiburg, Germany

The first in-person meeting of the project took place in Freiburg, Germany, over two days. All 15 project partner organisations were represented and 31 people joined the meeting. First, Prof. Alexander Stolz gave an introduction of Fraunhofer and specially the Ernst-Mach-Institut.

The status of all work packages and some administrative items were presented. The software that will be developed in SARIL has been presented by the tool developers to identify potential synergies. Especially, the collaboration with SARIL’s sister project ReMuNet ( was discussed. Finally, the meeting was closed by a Freiburg city tour in rainy weather with some remaining brave people.

July 19, 2023 – Virtual Kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting was held digitally on July 19, 2023.
The consortium met with the Project officer Marjolein Salens from CINEA and Paola Chiarini from DG MOVE which shared some general information on the grant. A project overview was given and the three scenarios of the project were presented, i.e. the regional in the city of Mantua in Italy, the national scenario on the Iberian Peninsula and the global/EU-wide scenario focused on the silk road.

Funded by the European Union under grant agreement ID 101103978. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
